G3J Éditeur

Administration | Corporate

G3J éditeur is a French distributed independent microstructure distributed by Arche éditeur whose mission is editing or republishing of text and motion pictures. Its projects, the build quality as much as bias by the rules of graphic art, combine both consistency and innovation.

All pages are editable in a protected backoffice with interactive WYSIWYG editors. It is possible to define a different header image for each page of the site that are automatically resized.

The site is fully compatible with mobile devices. The integration also provides all the optimizations recommended by ??Google PageSpeed (94%) and Yahoo! YSlow (95%) to load the pages as fast as possible: made ??possible by nyroFwk and hosting on our own servers .

Like any nyroDev projects, the site URLs enhanced to the title of the page in the URL and sitemap files exists to improve indexation.